Lauren McCollum

What’s in your Drink

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the largest source of added sugars in the American diet stem from sugary beverages such as energy drinks, sports drinks, fruit juice, regular soda, etc. Consuming sugary beverages regularly can lead to health issues such as weight gain, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cavities, and …

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Dine Out/Take Out: A Guide to Healthy Eating

Eating well doesn’t have to take a backseat when dining out or ordering takeout. Regardless of your age, prioritizing a nutritious diet is key. Here are some concise tips according to the USDA guidelines to help you make healthier choices: Menu Mastery: Choose dishes prepared by baking, broiling, grilling, poaching, steaming, boiling, or roasting to …

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When and What to Eat Before and After a Workout

According to the National Academy of Science and Medicine, what we fuel our body with pre- and post- exercise, can impact the effectiveness as well as overall muscle growth and recovery for each workout. Research shows that timing also matters when determining the proper fuel before and after a workout. Research shows the ideal nutrient timing recommendation …

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The Importance of Calcium and Vitamin D for Strong Bones

According to the National Institutes of Health, our bodies require a diverse range of nutrients from the foods we consume to maintain optimal health, with two specific nutrients, calcium and vitamin D, playing a crucial role in maintaining strong and healthy bones. Calcium and Bone Health: Calcium, a vital mineral, is the most abundant mineral …

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Leftovers and Food Safety: A Guide to Safe Handling

Leftover food is a common part of home cooking and dining out. Ensuring the safety of leftovers is essential to prevent foodborne illnesses. The main culprits of such illnesses are undercooked food and improper temperature handling. Adhering to the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service’s recommendations can greatly reduce the risks associated with leftovers. Cooking …

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Plant Based Diets

Which One Are You? Thinking of going plant based? Plant-based diets come in various forms, categorized by the degree of animal product inclusion. Here’s an overview of popular plant-based diets according to Penn State Extension: Semi-Vegetarian or Flexitarian: Mostly plant-based with limited amounts of meat,poultry, fish, and seafood. May include eggs and dairy. Pescatarian: Mostly …

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