Eating well doesn’t have to take a backseat when dining out or ordering takeout. Regardless of your age, prioritizing a nutritious diet is key. Here are some concise tips according to the USDA guidelines to help you make healthier choices:
Menu Mastery: Choose dishes prepared by baking, broiling, grilling, poaching, steaming, boiling, or roasting to limit excess saturated fat and salt. When in doubt, ask about preparation methods.
Veggie Start: Kick off your meal with a salad or veggies. This strategy fills you up faster and ensures you get essential nutrients.
Share and Conquer: Restaurant portions tend to be generous. Consider sharing a meal or saving half for later to manage portion sizes.
Fruit and Veggie Embrace: Opt for dishes showcasing vegetables like stir-fries, veggie wraps, or kabobs. Include fruit as a side or dessert to boost your produce intake.
Plan Ahead: Check online menus before ordering. Seek options lower in calories, sodium, and saturated fat to make informed decisions.
Savvy Sauce Selection: Choose vegetable-based sauces like marinara over creamy alternatives to cut down on saturated fat. Ask for sauces on the side or request reduced/no sauce for customization.
With these tips, you can savor your dining experiences while staying on track with your healthy eating goals.
USDA Food and Nutrition Service. “DineOut/TakeOut”. U.S. Department of Agriculture, March