Health & Fitness

Eat the Rainbow

When filling your plate with food, you want to ensure it is full of colorful fruits and vegetables as these contain powerful nutrients that ensure the body receives a comprehensive array of essential elements! These nutrients include antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals. As the image depicts below, colors often signify a particular element with its …

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Prebiotics & Probiotics

Prebiotics are non-digestible compounds that nourish beneficial gut bacteria, fostering improved digestion, immune function, and metabolic health. Probiotics, live microorganisms, contribute to a balanced gut microbiota, supporting digestion, immune response, and potentially mental health. Both prebiotics and probiotics have shown promise in managing conditions like IBS, diarrhea, and skin issues. Emerging research suggests a possible …

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What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the intricate process by which the nutrients contained in the food we ingest are transformed into a specialized form of energy, designed to power the various cells within our bodies. As food undergoes digestion and processing, it culminates in the creation of fundamental building blocks, namely fatty acids, amino acids, and glucose. These …

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The Dirty Dozen

The term “organic” has turned into a trendy buzzword, losing some of its meaning and often causing a sense of overwhelm due to its prevalence in stores. When shopping for produce, “organic” in some instances means being free of pesticide residue. While such residues can be harmful if consumed frequently, for budget-conscious shoppers, “organic” also …

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Unveiling the Long-Term Effects of Pesticides, Antibiotics, GMOs, and Hormone-Modified Foods

  The evolving landscape of food production has brought about significant changes aimed at enhancing harvest yields and safety. However, the long-term consequences of consuming pesticides, antibiotics, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and hormone-modified foods have raised concerns that demand careful consideration. Pesticides: The residue of pesticides, designed to protect crops, can enter the food chain, …

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Should I Buy Organic? Is it Healthier?

According to the USDA, the term “organic” refers to agricultural products produced using methods that prioritize environmental sustainability and avoid the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), antibiotics, and growth hormones. The focus is on promoting natural processes and maintaining ecological balance rather than the nutritional value. At this point, there’s no …

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