
Lucas takes a very disciplined approach with himself, making him incredibly reliable and dependent, which is a valuable asset to have when looking to have a coach. Believes that success in any arena in life consists of self discipline. Self discipline consists of doing whatever it takes for as long as it takes.

A true advocate of movement as medicine. Spending his days constantly active with martial arts, tennis, parkour, and anything in motion.

Lucas has a wide range of knowledge in all things fitness and body mechanics.

He approaches all goals with a detail-oriented approach and stays up-to-date with the latest scientific updates on exercise. Truly making your goals his own. He delivers compassion and empathy with every client to make his sessions feel welcoming for even the most timid, new exercisers.

During sessions, Lucas provides not only a watchful eye to every movement, but also brings knowledge on every movement so you can learn for yourself and feel committed to your goals. Lucas makes sure his clients goals are of utmost priority in his life and goes above and beyond to deliver. No matter what it takes, you can count on him to be your #1 fitness supporter and educator


Lucas Monsalve