Feel Good fitness formula

Feel Good Fitness Formula

healthy habits for life

Tried everything for weight loss but nothing has worked? Consider this 12-week, fully online program lead by head trainer and behavioral weight loss coach. The Feel Good Fitness Formula is your one stop shop for having everything you need to know to become your healthiest self without giving up your favorite foods. Includes weekly learning modules, 1-1 coaching calls, 24-hour nutrition support, and customized workout programs all via the application, Trainerize.

Feel Good Fitness Formula


This includes unlimited support, emphasis on proper form, and exercises to match your preference and availability.

These modules are custom made by Bia from Motivity to teach everything you need to know about reaching and maintaining your balanced lifestyle. The modules will cover a variety of every-day-challenges related to nutrition, planning, and self-image.

The purpose of these check ins are to solidify skills and reassess our focus as needed.  

The progress reports will assess how well you are currently meeting your goals 

Our custom made nutrition reviews will help keep you accountable, adaptable, and successful.

Free time is often hard to find in our busy day to day lives. Get tips from instructors who have personal experience in finding ways to prioritize their health and fitness.



$675 Total
$ 225
Per Month (For 3 months)
  • 1on 1 coaching calls
  • 24-hour nutrition support
  • All levels welcomed


$625 Total
$ 625
  • 1on 1 coaching calls
  • 24-hour nutrition support
  • All levels welcomed

I CANNOT legally:

  • Prescribe diets or supplements to treat medical and clinical conditions,

  • Prescribe diets to treat symptoms of medical and clinical conditions, nor

  • Diagnose medical conditions.

What our clients say

Feel free to feel good

“I am 56 years old, and I’ve tried every combination of dieting and exercise there is. And that is no exaggeration. I initially went to Motivity Fit to begin a strength training program post-menopause. A few months in (almost reluctantly!) I started the 12-week Feel Good Fitness Formula Program. I did not have high hopes, and I was nervous that I would not be able to incorporate the program into my busy life! And on top of that I was worried I would be caught in the yo-yo dieting and exercising cycle again. Boy was I wrong! The FGFF program was easy. Bia’s approach to this plan is straightforward, low-pressure and focuses on science and what works for you as an individual. Not even once have I felt that I was “dieting”. I don’t think I could have done this with anyone else and been successful. As solid as the plan itself is, having Bia walk me through it calmly while focusing on facts was the catalyst for my success. I’ve lost 13.8 pounds in 11 weeks. She knows what she’s doing!”


Patricia M.

“I am 35 years old and led an active and healthy lifestyle up until major life changes and negative circumstances regarding my health came about. Dealing with the stress of it really impacted me and I knew I needed help getting my nutrition and exercise back on track. After meeting and speaking with Bia about where I was in my health journey I knew that her nutrition program was what I needed! So I started the 12-week Feel Good Fitness Formula Program. I was really excited and determined to build new habits surrounding exercise and nutrition and my main goal was to improve my HA1c and other health conditions. I honestly didn’t know if I would lose weight or if I would see real results, but I knew that change had to start somewhere. The support and coaching I received from Bia was nothing short of a dream come true! Her program was amazing in that it taught me what it meant to eat intuitively and accept my body instead of focusing on guilt and shame around food, which is often what I had experienced with past dieting and weight loss. Bia really took the time to meet me where I was at and the wealth of knowledge that she gave me through her program has impacted my life in so many positive ways. Not even once have I felt that I was “dieting” and now I feel like I have the tools I need to continue the healthful habits I started in her program. I don’t think I could have done this with anyone else and been successful. As solid as the plan itself is, having Bia walk me through it calmly while focusing on facts was the catalyst for my success. I lost 12 pounds in 12 weeks. I would recommend this program to anyone interested in knowing what it truly means to make a lifestyle change. Thank you Bia!


Allison S.

This is not a temporary fix — It’s a long-term formula to feeling your best once and for all. You’ll learn how to apply the right workouts and eating habits to each phase of your journey, allowing you to live a balanced life on your own terms. We’re ready if you are.